Economic impact of competition policy enforcement on the functioning of telecoms markets in the EU

27 June 2017 | Consulting

James Allen

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Study commissioned by DG Competition of the European Commission - by LEAR, DIW and Analysys Mason 

This study provides an ex-post evaluation of competition policy enforcement in the European telecoms markets. It includes a qualitative analysis of policy decisions adopted over the past 15 years and the evolution of competition policy enforcement in light of the main changes in the functioning of the telecoms markets and three detailed quantitative case studies looking at a merger case, an antitrust case and a state aid decision adopted by the European Commission around 2010.

In the case studies, difference-in-differences methods were used. Broadly, the results show that the enforcement of the three decisions contributed to the better functioning of the affected fixed and mobile markets; they also provide useful insight for future decision making and review processes.


James Allen

Partner, expert in regulation and policy