Sub-Saharan Africa telecoms market: trends and forecasts 2023–2028

13 June 2024 | Research

Stephen Day

Forecast report | PPTX and PDF (50 slides) | Middle East and Africa Metrics and Forecasts

"The increasing demand for data, fuelled by improving access to new technologies, will drive revenue growth in Sub-Saharan Africa."


Telecoms revenue in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) will grow strongly between 2023 and 2028. This report analyses the key drivers and market developments behind this growth.

This report provides:

  • a 5-year forecast of around 200 mobile and fixed KPIs for SSA, as a whole and for 10 key countries
  • an in-depth analysis of the trends, drivers and forecast assumptions for each type of mobile and fixed service, and for key countries
  • an overview of operator strategies and country-specific topics, in order to highlight similarities and differences by means of a cross-country comparison
  • a summary of results and key implications for mobile and fixed operators.


Geographical coverage

Region modelled


Countries modelled individually

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

  • Cameroon
  • Côte d’Ivoire
  • Ghana
  • Kenya
  • Nigeria
  • Rwanda
  • South Africa
  • Tanzania
  • Uganda
  • Zambia

Key performance indicators


  • Mobile:
    • total (handset plus mobile broadband, excluding IoT), total including IoT, business
    • handset: smartphone, basic, smartphone share of handsets
    • mobile broadband
    • total, handset and broadband: 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G (and 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G share)
    • total and handset: prepaid, contract and prepaid share
    • IoT
    • penetration: total, prepaid, contract, handset, smartphone, mobile broadband, IoT
  • Fixed:
    • voice: narrowband, VoBB, dial-up
    • broadband: ADSL/VDSL, FTTP/B, cable modem, FWA, 5G FWA, other technologies, total business connections
    • penetration: voice, broadband (business sites and households)
  • Pay TV
    • operator, traditional



  • Outgoing minutes (fixed and mobile), MoU
  • Cellular data and messaging traffic


Network-independent metrics

  • GDP
  • Population
  • Households
  • Business sites
  • Exchange rates

Service revenue

  • Mobile:
    • total
    • share of GDP
    • per capita per month
    • prepaid, contract, prepaid share
    • 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G (and 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G share)
  • Fixed:
    • total (retail plus wholesale)
    • share of GDP
    • per capita per month


Retail revenue

  • Mobile:
    • total
    • share of GDP
    • per capita per month
    • per GB
    • 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G (and 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G share)
    • voice, voice per minute
    • data, data per GB 
    • handset: total, voice, messaging, data, prepaid, contract, prepaid share
    • mobile broadband
    • IoT
  • Fixed:
    • total
    • share of GDP
    • per capita per month
    • voice
    • dedicated connections
    • broadband: ADSL/VDSL, FTTP/B, cable modem, FWA, 5G FWA, other technologies
  • ICT services
  • Pay TV
    • operator, traditional


Wholesale revenue

  • Mobile
  • Fixed



  • Mobile:
    • total
    • voice
    • data
    • mobile broadband
    • IoT
    • handset: total, prepaid, contract, voice, messaging, data
  • Fixed:
    • voice
    • broadband: ADSL/VDSL, FTTP/B, cable modem, FWA, 5G FWA, other technologies



  • Mobile:
    • total
    • prepaid, contract
    • 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G

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Stephen Day
