Major chip providers in the 5G era: end-to-end platforms may be the key to success

30 July 2019 | Research

Caroline Gabriel

Strategy report | PPTX and PDF (23 slides); PDF (3 pages) | Wireless Technologies

"A leading role in 5G is at stake for major chip providers if they can create an end-to-end platform as networks move to the cloud."

Deploying a RAN on commodity hardware opens the door for merchant processor makers in the 5G market, but comes with the challenge to reduce costs significantly while supporting extremely demanding tasks. Only a few vendors will achieve the end-to-end platform that will make the cloud-RAN economically viable for the whole supply chain.

In this report, we answer the following questions.

  • What are the critical success factors for large chip providers that are entering or defending their position in the 5G market?
  • What will the 5G chip landscape look like, and how will it relate to the broader cloud infrastructure?
  • How can new architecture resolve the conflict between falling network TCO requirements and the rising variety and complexity of network chips?
  • How can NEPs and operators improve their 5G and cloud economics and reduce their overall costs by combining merchant platforms with open-source frameworks?

An end-to-end platform addresses the multiple challenges of the 5G market for chip vendors

An end-to-end platform addresses the multiple challenges of the 5G market for chip vendors

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Caroline Gabriel

Research Director, expert in network and cloud strategies and architecture