
Charles Murray, Partner, Analysys Mason, will be moderating the session: Digital Infrastructure - The Building Block of a New Economy on Day 2 of FUNDFOCUS l EUROPE 2023, which will be held in London on 16-17 May.

About the event

FUNDFOCUS | Europe is a highly anticipated event for the Connect Group community, providing a platform for institutional investors to discuss the current economic climate in Europe and its impact on the industry. The forum aims to explore strategies that investors can adopt to manage and overcome the challenges presented by the current macroeconomic environment.

The two-day event will bring together institutional asset-owners from across Europe, including pension funds, insurers, sovereign wealth funds, foundations, endowments, family offices, and development finance institutions, as well as asset managers and intermediaries.

Through a series of carefully formulated panel discussions, presentations, and interviews, attendees will engage in high-level peer-to-peer networking and thought-leadership discussions.

For more details and to register for this event, visit the website here.

Tuesday 16 - Wednesday 17 May 2023 8:00AM - 12:50 PM BST
London, UK