- Mobile:
- total (handset plus mobile broadband, excluding IoT), total including IoT
- handset: smartphone, basic, smartphone share of handsets
- mobile broadband
- total, handset and broadband: 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G (and 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G share)
- total and handset: prepaid, contract and prepaid share
- IoT
- MVNO and MVNO share
- penetration: total, prepaid, contract, handset, smartphone, mobile broadband, IoT
- Fixed:
- voice: narrowband, VoBB, dial-up
- broadband: residential, business, DSL, FTTP/B, cable modem, FWA, other technologies, ULL, VULA, net additions
- penetration (business sites and households): voice, broadband (DSL, FTTP/B, cable modem, FWA, other technologies)
- Mobile:
- mobile-originated voice minutes
- outgoing MoU per connection
- cellular data: total, per connection
- messages sent: total, per connection
- Fixed:
- fixed-originated minutes
- outgoing MoU per active connection
Network-independent metrics
- GDP per capita
- Population
- Households
- Business sites
- Exchange rates
Operator-level metrics/market share
- Mobile:
- connections: total, prepaid, prepaid share, contract (and associated market share)
- service revenue: total, voice, data, data share of service revenue
- ARPU: total, prepaid, contract
- traffic: outgoing voice traffic, outgoing MoU per connections, messages sent per connection
- Fixed:
- connections: voice (narrowband, VoBB), broadband (DSL, FTTP/B, cable modem, FWA, other technologies, plus associated market share and net additions)
- retail revenue: voice, broadband (DSL, FTTP/B, cable modem, FWA, other technologies, plus associated market share)
- ASPU: voice, broadband
- traffic: outgoing minutes
- Pay TV:
- connections
- retail revenue
Service revenue
- Mobile:
- total
- share of GDP
- per capita per month
- prepaid, contract, prepaid share
- voice, messaging, data, data share
- Fixed:
- total (retail plus wholesale)
- share of GDP
- per capita per month
Retail revenue
- Mobile:
- total
- share of GDP
- per capita per month
- per GB
- voice, voice per minute
- data, data per GB, messaging
- handset, handset data
- mobile broadband
- IoT
- Fixed:
- total
- share of GDP
- per capita per month
- voice: narrowband, VoBB
- dedicated connections
- broadband: DSL, FTTP/B, cable modem, FWA, other technologies
Wholesale revenue
- Mobile:
- total
- prepaid, contract
- voice
- data
- mobile broadband
- IoT
- handset: total, voice, messaging, data, data from smartphones
- Mobile:
- total
- prepaid, contract
- voice
- data
- handset: voice, messaging