Building winning retail propositions for new FTTP entrants

07 December 2021 | Research

Strategy report | PPTX and PDF (16 slides) | Fixed Services

"New FTTP entrants can successfully monetise their deployments with well-crafted retail tariff strategies."


There is a considerable amount of investment into new FTTP networks, but there still remains a lot of uncertainty about the best retail tariff strategies for new FTTP entrants. This report assesses how new, vertically integrated FTTP entrants that are building fibre networks and are also acting as retail service providers can build winning retail FTTP propositions.

Key questions answered in this report

  • How should new FTTP entrants price their FTTP offers relative to both other operators’ offers that use other technologies and incumbents’ FTTP offers?
  • What is the optimal strategy for tiering FTTP retail plans?
  • Should new FTTP entrants charge for installation and should they offer additional services as part of the installation?

Key recommendations for new FTTP entrants when developing their retail FTTP tariff strategies


Source: Analysys Mason, 2021

For more information, please see the associated article here.


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