Investment, regulation and competition investigations are shifting to focus on full-fibre broadband networks. Evidence suggests that a higher spend...
Longer-term questions about prospects for the core business are leading operators to pursue a range of growth strategies. These range from the...
As broadband data access rapidly becomes a necessity for PPDR users, governments in many countries are faced with the challenge of how to establish...
Originally, the 700MHz band was envisaged as being suitable to provide additional 4G capacity. However, more recently, policy makers have been...
The 15- to 20-year mobile operating licences that were issued in the 2000s are now coming up for renewal in many countries in the Middle East. A...
Today we can write a tweet to the world. Blogs, songs, videos and photos can all be made available to anyone with ease. Online platforms that host...
The IoT MVNO market continues to evolve rapidly. Three of the companies profiled in this report (1NCE, Monogoto and Twilio) did not have a single IoT...
Challenges in deploying new mobile infrastructure risk delaying the roll out of 5G in the UK, according to a report published today by the Broadband...
AMI-Partners based in New York has been acquired by Analysys...
The report, prepared through the lens of Google and Railtel Public Wi-Fi project, outlines an opportunity to develop a wider connectivity ecosystem...