Ericsson is one of the largest providers of services, hardware and software to the telecoms industry. This company profile provides an overview of...
Splunk is a rapidly growing analytics company that is using organic growth and acquisitions to build its functionality and market share. Its focus...
This article outlines what MVNOs want from their MNO partners, based on interviews with four IoT...
Operators have been investigating identity management for years and an increasing number of them have launched services. However, they have not been...
In this article, we highlight what we will look out for in consumer telecoms during...
Globe Telecom is looking to the business market for future revenue growth following strong performance with its core products. This article looks at...
Different operators are pursuing different growth strategies. These range from digital ecosystem plays where telecoms is positioned as one of many...
In December 2019, Cisco Systems announced the culmination of a 5-year, USD1 billion investment in the 'Internet for the Future' and network...
MEF’s annual event, held most recently in Los Angeles in November 2019 (MEF19), provides an overview of the status of the carrier-grade SD-WAN...
Businesses in Western Europe are far less satisfied with their telecoms services than consumers are, according to the data from our 2019 Business and...