Fixed–mobile convergence quarterly metrics 2Q 2024
Fixed–mobile convergence (FMC) is a well-established trend in many European telecoms markets and is increasingly prevalent in North America.
This quarterly metrics dataset provides the number of fixed–mobile accounts, the number of associated SIM cards and revenue. It is based on operators' publicly reported data and Analysys Mason's annual consumer survey. It includes data for over 65 operators in 17 countries.
Data coverage
The following metrics are used.
Metrics |
Coverage |
FMC accounts | Country and operator level | |
FMC accounts - share of fixed broadband | Country and operator level | |
FMC broadband penetration | Country and operator level | |
FMC household penetration | Country level | |
FMC account market share | Country and operator level | |
FMC SIMs | Country and operator level | |
SIMs per FMC account | Country and operator level | |
FMC revenue | Country and operator level | |
FMC revenue market share | Country and operator level | |
FMC ARPA | Country and operator level |
Geographical coverage
Asia–Pacific (APAC) |
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) |
North America (NA) |
Western Europe (WE) |
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Trackers and datasets
Analysys Mason tracks and analyses changing telecoms metrics.
Stefano Porto Bonacci
Principal AnalystRelated items
Survey report
Fixed–mobile convergence customer spend: consumer survey
Survey report
Adoption of fixed–mobile convergence services: consumer survey
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