Mobile services in Central and Eastern Europe: trends and forecasts 2020–2025
15 December 2020 | Research
Julia Martusewicz-Kulinska | Jakub Konieczny
Forecast report | PPTX and PDF (55 slides) | Mobile Services
Telecoms revenue growth in Central and Eastern Europe has been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic and mobile service revenue will decline mainly because of shrinkage in the business sector and a reduction in roaming revenue. The pandemic is also delaying 5G spectrum auctions, which will hinder 5G network deployments and service take-up.
This report provides:
- a 5-year forecast of 206 mobile KPIs for the Central and Eastern European region and for 16 key countries
- an in-depth analysis of the trends, drivers and forecast assumptions for each type of mobile service, and for key countries
- an overview of operator strategies and country-specific topics, which highlight similarities and differences between countries
- a summary of results and key implications for mobile operators.
Geographical coverage
Countries modelled individually |
Data coverage
Mobile connections |
Mobile revenue |
Mobile ARPU |
Voice traffic |
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Julia Martusewicz-Kulinska
Research DirectorJakub Konieczny
Senior AnalystRelated items
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