Transport Network Strategies



Telecoms transport networks are being reshaped by technology developments, new investors, operator delayering and retail service evolution. This programme analyses the market structures that are emerging; operator transport network strategies, investment decisions and service opportunities; and what those mean in turn for organisations providing transport network equipment, infrastructure or wholesale services.


  • AI. Understanding how AI can improve transport networks and open up new opportunities for transport network operators.
  • Operator investment plans. Insights into operator transport network technology investment plans and budgets.
  • Wholesale transport and infrastructure markets. Analysis of changes being driven by new investors and delayering.

Questions answered

  • AI for operations. How can transport network operators use AI technologies to improve services, increase efficiency and reduce cost?
  • AI for revenue generation. How do transport network operators need to evolve their networks to support AI usage by their customers, and what opportunities will that open up?
  • Operator investment plans. How much are operators budgeting to spend on transport networks, which technologies will operators invest in, and which transport network strategies will they pursue?
  • Traffic patterns. Will evolving retail service usage patterns continue to drive traffic growth in transport networks?
  • Evolving market structure. Which companies are investing in transport infrastructure and networks, and what does that mean for operators and vendors?

Research Director Simon Sherrington

Simon Sherrington Research Director