This article discusses the announcement on 12 September 2024 by 12 leading mobile operators of a new venture in partnership with Ericsson to combine...
In this episode, Tom Rebbeck and Catherine Hammond, experts in operator business services, explore actionable strategies that operators can use to...
We recently interviewed 12 telecoms operators about their provision of fixed enterprise connectivity, asking them to rate how important various...
Fixed connectivity is a vital part of operators’ ambitions in the enterprise market, but differentiation is hard to achieve. This report...
Fixed connectivity is a major contributor to operator enterprise revenue and supports operators’ right to play in growth markets such as cloud...
This report provides an outlook on the worldwide telecoms and ICT services market for large enterprises (businesses with at least 250 full-time...
This report provides an outlook on the business telecoms and ICT services market in South Africa. It highlights overall revenue trends and identifies...
This profile assesses Vodafone’s strategy in the UCaaS market and discusses implications for other...
In this podcast, Catherine Hammond, Research Director, and Matt Small, Analyst, discuss what is (and is not) driving operator business revenue growth...
The European UCaaS market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8% between 2023 and 2028. Some specialist players have been experiencing much faster...