The Camara Project and GSMA Open Gateway initiative are developing open-source standardised APIs and are working with operators, vendors,...
Project Sylva intends to develop a network cloud framework, reference implementations and an integration and validation programme for European...
This article explores what we expect to see as the main trends in the consumer telecoms market in 2023. It covers price rises, content strategies,...
Many governments believe that increasing the household penetration of fixed broadband and NGA is an important policy objective. As such, they may...
2020 was a challenging year for many telecoms operators, even though the telecoms sector performed better than many others. The growth prospects for...
Low Earth orbit satellite network services have the potential to be a significant disrupter to the telecoms...
Operators are increasingly using cloud-native open-source bodies and events as vital resources to address the challenges that they face in...
VMware provided much-needed clarity amid concerns about its takeover by Broadcom at the VMware Explore 2023...
With international cooperation for lunar missions on the rise, including India becoming the 27th signatory of the Artemis accords, the lunar market...
Financing fibre deployment is easier with access to green funds. Operators harnessing fibre’s impressive sustainability credentials are an...