Edge cloud deployments: trends and analysis 1H 2023

02 October 2023 | Research

Gorkem Yigit

Tracker report | PPTX and PDF (6 slides) | Edge and Media Platforms| Enterprise Services

"Momentum is returning to the public edge market; operators, public cloud providers (PCPs), content delivery networks (CDNs) and edge infrastructure providers built out 24 new public edge nodes in 1H 2023."


After a slow end of 2022 and beginning of 2023, momentum returned to the public edge market, and operators, public cloud providers (PCPs), content delivery networks (CDNs) and edge infrastructure providers resumed their activities in earnest. This report explores the emerging trends in the edge cloud computing market based on Analysys Mason’s Edge cloud tracker, which provides details of operators’ plans for edge computing, and includes other announcements from edge compute and infrastructure providers.

Topics analysed in this report

  • Edge cloud offerings by number and type
  • Operators with commercial offerings
  • Regional spread of offerings
  • Operators' vendor partners


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Trackers and datasets

Analysys Mason tracks and analyses changing telecoms metrics.

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Gorkem Yigit

Research Director