Operators can consider several approaches in order to increase their market share and generate ARPU growth from SME mobile...
This report outlines how private network solution providers can capture new revenue opportunities in the wider private networks...
Operators may revert to on-premises deployments as the eSIM market matures, thereby forcing vendors to disaggregate their eSIM solutions. Vendors...
A digital marketplace allows CSPs to co-design and co-create new offerings that serve cross-industry requirements by combining their services with...
The penetration of fixed–mobile convergence is higher in developed Asia–Pacific than in Europe. We investigate three key lessons that...
Energy costs account for up to 40% of CSPs’ operating expenses. This report investigates the role of inventory systems in CSPs' energy...
This report reviews the approaches that operators in the GCC have adopted to monetise consumer 5G services and presents some best practices from...
Telecoms applications vendors that wish to consume third-party platform services rather than continuing to invest in their own will face development...
Hybrid industrial networks (whereby a slice of the public radio network is combined with a dedicated on-premises packet core) are likely to become...
This report highlights the role that observability plays in supporting communications service providers’ software...