The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) commissioned Analysys Mason, together with DotEcon to conduct research into the commercial use of...
In September 2013, the European Commission (EC) released its final Recommendation on a consistent approach to non-discrimination and costing for...
The quality of fixed and mobile broadband services does not always meet consumers' expectations, and national regulatory authorities...
The term '5G' is now well established – not just as the next generational step for the wireless industry, but also as an emerging vision of...
Operators face multiple uncertainties when developing their strategy for machine-to-machine (M2M) connections and the Internet of Things (IoT). In...
This article closes our series on connected TV and the associated policy debate. It focuses on the parallels between the net neutrality debate in...
The tower industry was originally conceived as a straightforward telecoms real estate industry, but some innovative towercos have extended...
Traditional MVNO models may struggle to compete in an environment of high competition and data-driven services. This article considers how MVNOs need...
New report shows Data-Driven Innovation (DDI) supports economic transformation and could be worth JPY15.1 trillion to the Japanese economy by...
Many different market participants invest in the networks, facilities and equipment that make up the Internet: Internet backbone providers; Internet...