Operators are under environmental and financial pressure to reduce power consumption in mobile networks. This article explores strategies, such as...
Artemis 1 is the first launch of the NASA Artemis programme that intends to take people back to the Moon in an effort to stay and build an...
There has continued to be a growing emphasis on ensuring the sustainability of data centres worldwide, from both a government perspective and an...
Energy costs account for up to 40% of CSPs’ operating expenses. This report investigates the role of inventory systems in CSPs' energy...
Commitments to sustainability and environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals and the recent steep energy price rises are forcing operators to...
Operators worldwide have been decommissioning, or are planning to decommission, their legacy wireless and fixed network assets due to a decline in...
The seriousness of energy costs and ESG goals requires operators to take a more-holistic approach to energy than current approaches, which leave...
Digital solutions are changing how farmers operate. The increasing amount of data that is ‘harvested’ from farms allows for improved...
This article by Northern Sky Research (NSR) (an Analysys Mason company) explores the role that hyperscalers, such as Amazon, Facebook, Google and...
In this podcast, Larry Goldman (Chief Analyst) and Maria Tunberg (Principal) discuss sustainability in the TMT...