Software-as-a-service tracker 1Q 2022

28 February 2022 | Research

Raúl Simmons Pérez

Tracker | Excel | Automated Assurance| Monetisation Platforms| Service Design and Orchestration| Network Automation and Orchestration| Customer Engagement

"The take-up of SaaS solutions is growing quickly, thereby providing opportunities for both new entrants and established vendors to gain market share."


The Software-as-a-service (SaaS) tracker provides key examples of instances when communications service providers (CSPs) have purchased software via a SaaS mechanism. The tracker provides an overview of solutions that have been announced publicly through anouncements, press coverage or public forums. The growth in the take-up of SaaS-based solutions is of interest to vendors, CSPs and systems integrators that want to understand the maturity of the SaaS market and validate this with examples of transformations that have already occured. This tracker is not a comprensive list, but provides some examples and will be expanded and reviewed each quarter as further data becomes avaialble.

Information provided for each entry

  • CSP name
  • Geographical region in which the CSP operates
  • Country of operations
  • SaaS vendor
  • Product name
  • Public cloud offering (if applicable)
  • Service description


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Raúl Simmons Pérez
