White papers

In this section, you will find free white papers and thought leadership to download.

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Open Network Index: evaluating operators’ progress and attitudes to ‘openness’ across core, RAN and edge

To understand operators' progress towards open networks, Analysys Mason surveyed 50 leading Tier-1 operators worldwide between December 2023 and Janua...

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Evaluating private versus public cloud models for CSPs’ cloud-native mobile core deployments

This report provides guidance to communications service providers about the advantages and disadvantages of private and public cloud models for their ...

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Driving commercial success through enhanced CPQ

Communications service providers (CSPs) are facing challenges related to having increasingly been pushed into non-telecoms business-to-business (B2B) ...

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Open RAN progress drives confidence it will deliver on operators’ strategic objectives

Virtualised RAN (vRAN) has achieved significant progress so far, with a range of operators, vendors and government stakeholders driving momentum throu...

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AIOps: the key to unlocking superior in-home quality of experience

This report draws on data from Analysys Mason’s 3Q 2023 survey of 18 000 consumers worldwide to reveal how AI for operations (AIOps) can help op...

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Market insights: a guide for CSPs on maximizing the value of GenAI

This perspective is based on a worldwide survey of 114 communications service providers (CSPs) and qualitative interviews with 8 CSPs (conducted in 4Q...

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End-to-end automated telco cloud workflows are critical for driving 5G value

This perspective outlines the challenges that operators face in building cloud-native network automation for 5G networks and argues that without appro...

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Cloud-native mobile core networks: operator maturity index

Operators understand that adopting cloud-native technology can deliver a range of benefits, however, many operators have been slow to implement cloud-...

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Quantifying the benefits of optical network automation

This perspective aims to demonstrate the benefits of automation for network lifecycle management and service lifecycle management using the Nokia Wave...

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Open platforms are critical to operators’ sustainability goals

Telecoms operators are under unprecedented pressure to reduce their energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, in order to achieve demandi...

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