Review of a margin squeeze test for wholesale fixed access products developed by the domestic telecoms regulator on behalf of an altnet

Project experience | Regulation and policy


The problem

  • An alternative operator (altnet) in an EU member state required support for the regulator’s construction of a margin squeeze test for wholesale fixed access products, reflecting the European Commission’s outline recommendation for an economic replicability test (ERT)
  • The client was seeking to ensure that the margin squeeze test regime implemented was not unfavourable from the perspective of altnets who bought the fixed access products

The solution

  • We undertook a wide range of tasks as part of its support, including:
    • a review of the draft reference paper released for consultation and providing feedback on its proposals, including how it compared to best-practice principles used in other countries and recommended by BEREC1
    • a review of the data to be submitted to the regulator as part of the process in order to check that the data was as complete and clear as possible
    • a comprehensive review of the draft margin squeeze test (implemented in Microsoft Excel), including:
      • correctness of formulas and use of input data
      • whether the implementation corresponded to the reference paper
      • appropriateness of key input assumptions
      • recommendations as to how the test is run and the outputs shared with industry stakeholders

Figure: Benchmark of customer lifetimes applied in existing margin squeeze tests in other countries

The result

  • We supported our client in formulating a comprehensive consultation response for submission to the regulator, in the format requested, as well as  appending supporting evidence where required

1 Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications

For an alternative operator in an EU Member State, we undertook a review of a margin squeeze model for wholesale fixed access products in that country, developed by the telecoms regulator and supported our client in formulating a comprehensive consultation response for submission to the regulator