Active network sharing: identifying cost savings

Project experience | Transaction support

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The problem

Two mobile operators in Asia were discussing a prospective active network-sharing deal, and requested Analysys Mason's support for this venture.

The solution

We supported our client in developing a detailed active network-sharing model. To assess the potential for site consolidation, we performed an audit of site portfolios (supported by site surveys), and developed a bespoke selection algorithm that included both geographical and traffic analysis to identify capacity limitations to consolidation.

The result

The support we provided for our client's financial negotiations built on a model of the expected evolution of the consolidated network, including detailed market traffic forecasting and network design. This model clearly highlighted the relative values of network assets, as well as helping our client to articulate the achievable savings and secure shareholder approval.

The support we provided for our client's financial negotiations built on a model of the expected evolution of the consolidated network.